为更好地服务客户,协助客户在澳洲的移民事宜开展,集团于2014年在澳大利亚堪培拉建立公司Homeleaf overseas Investment
Management (Australia)Pty.,Ltd,专注澳大利亚商业移民及投资移民法进一步完善和巩固服务流程,在行业为企业赢得良好口碑。集团于2018年在香港成立分公司,Homeleaf overseas HoldingLimited成立于2018年,行业内少有的集团直属香港分公司,为客户提供一站式香港身份规划服务。
Homeleaf Overseas Group, which with shopping CBD super grade a office building was founded in 2004, headquartered in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou. It is the first comprehensive overseas service institution in South China with investment, immigration and visa services for Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada, etc. At the same time, Homeleaf also helps many domestic high net worth individuals start their overseas life successfully.
Homeleaf Investment Co. Ltd. is the first company with dual qualifications for sales of real estate both in Australia and China. So far, the Homeleaf had sold out more than 10,000 overseas properties, and also help the countrymen to realize their dream of overseas property purchase.
150 +每月服务客户量
15000 +移民成功案例
5000 +在售房源数
20 +公司年资